Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Hink Pinks

First, here's an interesting article from NPR about what happens when you play actively! Check it out here. I haven't found any audio of an interview but will add it if I find it. 

I would like to start adding Hink Pinks to our brain teasers at the end of the day, so here's some practice! 

A Hink Pink (sometimes called a “rhyming pair”) is a pair of rhyming words that matches a silly definition. 

Example: A black bird that does not fly fast - slow crow

Can you solve these?

 paperback thief

lengthy tune

closet to keep a sweeping tool

not-quite-red beverage

small buzzing insect that is not wet

large group of people that is noisy

stinging insect that doesn't cost money

unhappy father

rabbit that tells jokes

fast elevator

Try to come up with some of your own! 

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Monday, September 29, 2014

A few things to check out

On Tuesday, Barnes and Noble will be hosting an event based on one of our favorite read-alouds, The Day the Crayons Quit. There will be events at most locations, but the times vary. I snagged this image out of my email, so check the Barnes and Noble website instead of this link :-). 

Also, I heard you've been reading about young inventors. Here are a few sites you may find interesting! 

One more thing... If you're looking for something to write about, what do you think is going on here? What might happen next? Try to use the words bench, gripped, and deteriorating in your story. 

photo by Taisia Petrovna

Keep your chin up! 

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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A few jokes...

I can't begin to compete with Mrs. Eberst, but thought I would throw a few out there... 

Can February March? No, but April May! 

What do you call somebody with no body and a nose? Nobody knows! 

What do you call an alligator in a vest? An investigator! 

I gave my dead batteries away... Free of charge. 

Change is hard... Have you ever tried to bend a coin? 

Keep smiling! :-) 

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Writing Tips and Resources

Check out this list of resources
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Thursday, September 18, 2014

Multiplication Help

Double digit by single digit: Click here
Here's a double digit by double digit video we watched together: Click here

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

President Web Quest

Click here for the President Web Quest we talked about in class! This is the next official "go the extra mile" challenge.

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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Fall Student-Led Conference Sign Up

Conference time is quickly approaching!  This year, our conferences will be student-led. This means your child will be in charge of his/her own conference and will be an active participant instead of a fly on the wall! These conferences will likely be longer than the traditional 15 minute conversation, so I've spread the meeting options out throughout October. Please select a meeting time your child is able to attend! Additional family members/support figures in your child's life are welcome to join us.  I look forward to discussing your child's growth! 

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9-10 Newsletter

I will send a printed copy home tomorrow :-). 

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Monday, September 8, 2014

Making Sense of Spelling

Here's a great intro into why we're tackling spelling from a morphology angle this year! 

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Thursday, September 4, 2014