Wednesday, January 16, 2013

STEM Night!

Hope to see you there! 

Back to blogging!

Here's a snapshot of our week this week! You can click on the picture to make it larger. I apologize for the lack of blogging lately. I will be doing some updates this week and will add links to some great websites that you can use to practice skills at home, as well as links to websites of read-aloud books and documents that we use week-to-week.

I added the section of "Graded Work" to the graphic above to keep you up-to-date on what to expect in your child's Graded Work envelope. These will come home every Wednesday and the empty envelope should be returned so that it can be re-stuffed throughout the week :-). If there is something on the list that your child did not have in his/her envelope, it is missing work that was not turned in. If you have any questions about work from the Graded Work folder (or work that was not in the folder but should have been ;-) ), please feel free to shoot me an email!