Thursday, November 21, 2013

Online Math Fact Practice

I was hoping to have a list of favorite apps ready to share with you this evening, but haven't had a chance to go through all of the apps I've downloaded in order to choose the most worthwile options. Instead, here are a few web-based games… I will have an app list out ASAP!

Free math games - multiplication  Scroll about halfway down the page 

Speed math  This one is addictive! 

Math Fact Shoot Out Any operation of facts… but you may want a mute button! ;-)

Have fun! 

Math Challenge Problem #1

I am going to start giving extra math challenge problems, worth a Dojo point each... I will aim for one per week! Students need to show their work and be able to explain their thinking in order to earn credit :-).
Click to enlarge! 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Why read 20 minutes a night?

I came across this image this afternoon and thought it was worth sharing… In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it can be easy to let reading slip by the wayside! Check back later this week for a list of our favorite books if you're looking for some holiday suggestions :-).

Parent Literacy Night

Click to enlarge! 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Myth Manics...

This week, we've read and discussed several Greek myths. This book has been very popular and would be a great holiday gift if you're on the lookout...  It is a classic and the illustrations are wonderful :-). Here is a link on Amazon, but it is also often in the bargain section at Barnes and Noble. Happy Reading!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Peek at Our (Quick) Week...

We will keep the same Weekly Words for Wednesday and Thursday - test on Friday. I was so disappointed to have to go home sick on Friday and would love to see any pictures you may have taken at the parade/party! First Battle of the Books packet for November is due Monday, 11/11.